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A Historic Event

The one historic event that I would have liked to have been an active participant in would be the birth of Jesus Christ. I find that one thing to be my most cherished part of history. It would be something that will never be forgotten because it changed not just my life forever but the lives of countless millions through the ages. I would have loved to have been there to witness it.

Jesus Christ

For that certain event, I would have been one of the wise men (or magi) on the journey to see Jesus, the long awaited Messiah, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense or myrrh with me for the birth of a new King. The journey would start by my friends and I seeing a bright new star in the distance, and wondering what it represented. Not knowing quite where it would lead, but knowing it would lead to something wonderful, would have me excitedly preparing for the most incredible journey of my life. For it would just be following that star for days with many other companions, sharing the excitement and curiosity of finding out what it meant or symbolized. Nothing to be our guide except that bright and beautiful mystery in the sky, calling to us to seek it's meaning. Then learning that it was to celebrate the birth of a new King; we would go forth with our gifts to show our joy, wonder and love for the newborn child.

When approaching a small city called Bethlehem, we would be shocked to see the star shining down on a little stable behind an inn. And there we would find this precious gift, this tiny King. We would realize that our journey had come to an end, and that part we had waited for was about to come as we went down to see the newborn baby. We would go with our heads held high in honor and praise, coming across a young shepherd boy with the same amazement on his face, gathered there with his sheep. Our hearts would be filled with joy as we run to the stable to see a manger baring a beautiful child wrapped in a swaddling cloth. He would be surrounded by others; a man and young woman sitting close beside him, shepherds and their sheep, and cattle quietly looking on. And there we would all stand in silent worship, sharing a very special moment together as we are not able to take our eyes off the most precious sight we had ever seen.
In our hearts we would join together in prayer and praise just as we suddenly heard angels rejoicing with singing for the birth of a heavenly miracle; God himself come in flesh. Emmanuel. To be there and be a part of something like that, to experience it and witness it would leave me with a feeling that would stay with me for the rest of my life. But as just knowing it really did happen still gives me that feeling that fills my heart with happiness, knowing that I am very grateful for that precious gift. The gift of a Savior that would save me and change my life completely. That God through that little child had forever bridged the gap which had separated Him from mankind. That God loved us so much that he gave us his only Son to wash away our sins and be forgiven. That thought will stay in my heart forever, because Jesus will always live in my heart. It is the most precious thing I hold dear.