I’ve started a list of reasons to start cycling. I want to hear yours in the comments.
- You can lose weight.
- You can improve your fitness.
- You get to wear skin tight clothes.
- You get to drink lots of water.
- You can meet cool people (which, in turn, makes you cool).
- You can satisfy your urge to compete.
- You get to rub silky smooth concoctions in your nether regions.
- You can raise money for a charity.
- You get to buy cool toys.
- You can buy bicycles that cost more than your car (if you want to).
- You can play with CO2.
- You can improve your maintenance skills.
- You can quit driving a car.
- You can save money.
- You can ride 100 miles in one day.
- It’s an excuse to buy things made of carbon fiber.
- It’ll help improve your cooking skills.
- It’s great for your self-esteem.
- You can ride in the rain.
- It gets you outside.
- It’s great to do with the family.
- You can go downhill really fast.
- Breaks at the local coffee shop are awesome.
- Riding a paceline is exhilarating.
- You get to wear padded shorts and they aren’t Depends.
- You can get an awesome tan (on half your legs and arms so you might look like a freak).
- You get to ride up mountains.
- You get to eat energy bars.
- If you’re a dude, you have a reason to shave your legs (maybe).
- You get to drink electrolytes.
- You can ride the Tour de France route.
- You can actually buy a product called DZ Nuts (for him or her) and not feel creepy (maybe not).
- It’s environmentally friendly.
- You can avoid traffic jams.
- It can build confidence.
- It’ll help you make friends.
- You’ll build mental toughness.
- You’ll have more stamina for all kinds of things (I’m not going there).
- You can brag about how many miles you road over the weekend.
- You’ll sleep better.
- It’s a stress outlet.
- You can lower your blood pressure.
- You get to eat tons of bananas (the most awesomess of fruits).
- You get the best parking spot.
- You get to learn a new language called Weiland.
- You can develop a hard a$$.
- You can have GPS on your bicycle (how cool is that?).
- You get to play with oils and lube (don’t you go there).
- You get to listen to Phil Liggett call races (best ever).
- It’s fun.
I know there’s more. Let’s hear’em